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Round 1: time trouble
By WFM Maria Emelianova

r1 018 WGPTashkent2013 FirstMoveThe first game of Women's Grand Prix in Tashkent became quite 
tough for the players. Three hours after the first move was made by FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov in the game of Nafisa Muminova and Zhao Xue, most of the battles just reached the middle-games. 
Four participants managed to score their first points in the tournament: top-seeded Humpy Koneru won the longest battle against Ju Wenjun, Antoaneta Stefanova and Zhao Xue outplayed the newcomers of the Grand Prix Series Guliskhan Nakhbayeva and Nafisa Muminova accordingly, and Harika Dronavalli succeeded against Bela Khotenashvili.
The games Elina Danielian against Alexandra Kosteniuk and Kateryna Lagno versus Olga Girya ended up in draws.
Tashkent Women's Grand Prix has started!
The opening ceremony of the third leg of FIDE Women Grand Prix Series 2013-2014 took place at the beautiful Gallery of Fine Art on the 17th of September. The event was attended by many honored guests such as the FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the Minister of Culture and Sports of Uzbekistan Minhozhiddin Hozhimatov, the First Deputy Minister of Sports of Uzbekistan Zhasur Akramov, the Head of the Administration of Sports Rashid Talipov, the Head of the Administration of Olympic reserve Kamil Bayazitov, the Head of The State Committee for Communication, Informatization and Telecommunication Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan Hurshid Mirzahidov and many others. 
The Chairperson of Fund Forum's Board of Trustees Gulnara Karimova couldn't be present at the ceremony but passed her warmest welcome for the participants and expressed the hope to the future of the Fund Forum's cooperation with the World Chess Federation.

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Third FIDE Women's Grand Prix Series 2013-2014 in Tashkent
By WFM Maria Emelianova

"Have you ever been to Tashkent before?" - this could be the first question to the participants of the upcoming Third Women's Grand Prix 2013 which is going to be held September 17th to October 1st in the capital of Uzbekistan.
And most probably the answer would be "No"...
"Would you like to come to Tashkent again?" - the answer undoubtly will be "Yes!"
The city just leaves you amazed and speechless with its unbelievable mix of modernity and beautiful ancient touch. Tashkent has a great history of rising and falling, struggling and defense, and again revival. It was occupied and destroyed by Arab conquerors in VIII century, completely rebuilt and again destroyed in XIII century. Tashkent lost its independency at the beginning of XIX century, and got it back only in 1991. Many industrial and other important buildings were ruined either by the 1917 Russian Revolution or devastating earthquake that shook the entire region in 1966, but Tashkent managed to develop and become the most beautiful and modern city of the Central Asia.

Statue of Amir Timur in Tashkent T.Central-Mosque-tashkent
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